This version of ƒaceIt™ has expired. For more information contact a lowly apprentice production, 619 942-1968 (USA). Some ƒaceIt styles to be appended use colors not defined in this document. OK to change these colors to Black? F keypad- option- control- shift- command- This keyboard equivalent is already used by another ƒaceIt style. Please use a different equivalent. Add… Remove… H V Remove Colors “Mixed Colors” is not a valid color. Please select a valid color. Copy of Remove Styles Remove Scales Remove Tracks Remove Sizes Remove Fonts Untitled Mixed Colors Base Shift: Vert Scale: Horiz Scale: Track Amount: Shade: Plain Word Underline Underline Subscript Superscript Small Caps All Caps Strike Thru Superior Outline Shadow Italic Bold ƒaceIts for Default ƒaceIts You can not edit ƒaceIt styles while in Master Pages mode. Updating ƒaceIt styles… That name is too long. A ƒaceIt style with that name already exsists. ƒaceIt Show ƒaceIt Hide ƒaceIt There is a copy of ƒaceIt with the following serial number already running on the network. SN# ƒaceIt is not serialized for use with this copy of QuarkXPress. SN# One or more colors used by ƒaceIt have been deleted. These colors have been replaced with black.